
still playing with size

Lana Fee Rasmussen. Killscrow
 From the summer drawing series, I've drawn much inspiration to convert those images larger. At first I considered having prints made for me, and then became very possessive. I decided I wasn't ready to send anything to anyone that I hadn't touched. Instead, I've decided to experiment with different ways of reproduction from the original images I pulled from the series- working as if the original 5"x7"s are my demos/sketches, as I had done little to no sketching on that collection. Each of these is 22"x30", ink on Arches paper.
Lana Fee Rasmussen. Killscrow

Lana Fee Rasmussen. Killscrow

Lana Fee Rasmussen. Killscrow
Lana Fee Rasmussen. Killscrow

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