
Recent Farm Perks

Lana Fee Rasmussen farm
 Meet my dear friend Red, the adolescent red Border Collie at Noyo Hill Farm. We can't have dogs at our place so we live vicariously through any and all dog owners these days. The little guy is very precious and his hair is still thickening up. Smart guy too. John has been preparing him with the sheep but he is an absolute natural.
Lana Fee Rasmussen farm
My apologies to anyone vegetarian or squeamish, but I participated in a full day chicken slaughter a few weeks ago and finally had the chance to roast one of the chickens at homeI definitely care about learning the ways in which we acquire all of our food, but especially animals. I wussied out of the lamb slaughter this past weekend but I would like to play a role in the dressing of all the meat I adore to eat. I'm not quite there yet. The roasted chicken was delicious though and this morning I just finished my first batch of homemade broth from the carcass.

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